Monday, February 28, 2011

Laughs For my Monday...

  I had made new goals for the year, one of these was to be more positive. Mondays in my opinion had to be the slowest day of the week. It always seems so far away from the weekend. I usually wanted to stay in bed and never come out.
  I needed to change my attitude about my mondays and thats when I remembered a talk given by Joseph B. Wirthlin. Im sure were all familar with it, the title of the talk is, "Come What May and Love It." I love what he had to say,..." the next time your tempted to groan, you might try to laugh instead. It will extend your life and make the lives of all those around you more enjoyable."
  So I took on the challenge to find ways to make me always laugh. I ended up making a list of times I could of complained, got mad, or groaned but instead I laughed. I also would include funny things, and things that were awesome that happened to me through out my week.

 This weeks List of Laughs:
  •  I was singing a song and my sister tells me thats not the right words. All these years I had been singing the wrong words. oops
  • I'm doing a 750 piece puzzle and I was almost done with the top pieces and then I realized I messed up. I had to undue it all and start over. (I was wondering why it didnt look like the picture in the box)
  • I was talking on the phone with Chet and he was pretending to be people the area of Texas. Every time I would try to say something he would cut in and start saying something. I couldn't help but to laugh cause he was trying hard not to laugh himself.
  • I went to the store and my brothers came along to help. We got to the self check out station and I was in a hurry to get home. My brothers wanted to take turns scanning each item. They had no idea how to do it, after a good couple of minutes they finally figured it out.
  • This girl at church came up to me to and said, " YOUR HAIR IS REALLY CUTE"  I dont think she realized she was yelling it and a lot of people turned around to look at us.I just started to laugh and whispered "oh, thanks" got to love moments like that :)
  • After a week in Texas Chet came home, its not funny but it's awesome.
  • Im watching a movie and the funniest scene comes on. I couldnt stop laughing, come to find out I was the only one laughing.

Girls Night Out...

Marianne, Natalie and I  decided to have a girls night on Friday. We were all roommates and had some great times and always knew had to have fun. We never had a dull moment, and we all could stay up for hours just talking and laughing about everything. Im sure the whole apartment complex could attest to this but probably didn't enjoy the noise we were always making. I came across these pictures of some of the fun things we had done while living together.

We started the night out meeting at Olive Garden. The food was amazing as always and we enjoyed catching up on what's been going on in our lives. We decided we need to have girls night every month so we can stay caught up with everything thats going on. I got caught up with visting that I forgot to take a picture of all of us. I did find an older picture of all three to make up for not taking one.

After dinner, Marianne had to go get ready for work. Me and Nat spent the night watching a movie, laughing, and eating junk food even though we were still full from dinner. I dont think I have stayed up that late in quite sometime. Thanks Nat and Marianne for such a great night. :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Its about time....

  I know it's about time I finally get a blog. For years I have kept a journal and looking back on everything I have done, the people I have met, and the crazy spontanious nights that now are lasting memories. I started to think, I should share these things with others then keep them to myself.  Now I normally don't share my journals with to many people but I figure it's always good to start somewhere. Plus who doesn't enjoy looking at the fun times people are up to and thier picures . So I hope you enjoy!!