Thursday, August 16, 2012


I'm back!!! After several people asked for me to update my blog I'm now all caught up!
I have decided to move on from this blog though...........
No worries you can just go check out mine and Chet's new blog over here
*if the button that says here doesn't work  the address is:*

Friday, January 27, 2012

Derby in January

A few weeks back Chet and I headed to Golden Spike Stadium in Ogden to watch a derby.
Yes I said derby.. and it was outside.
The derby was put on last minute to help earn money for all the police officers that got injured at the shooting down there in Ogden.
It was difinitely weird to be at the derby in the middle of January but it wasn't disappointing.
It was a perfect afternoon to watch a derby, a little cold but well worth it.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Tay!!!

Even though Katie's birthday was last week, I wanted to let her know that I didn't forget her on my blog...
It makes it hard to celebrate her birthday when she lives so far way.
We got to web chat and to show me all the gifts she got.
She even played the piano for me with her new music book.
Thanks Tay for the great example you are to me.
You are so talented and I look up to all the time.
I wish I was there to make you a cake and celebrate the day with you.
Miss ya, hope you had a great day, Love ya!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Goals for 2012

As the 2012 begins it feels nice to start with new goals for the year.
I am super excited about this year and the goals I'm hoping to accomplish.
I have a feeling this is going to be a great year :)

Goals to Accomplish by the end of 2012:
(in no particular order)
  1. Learn something new- Try something different, don't be afriad to go out of your comfort zone
  2. Be active- excersie 3-4 times a week, not to lose weight but to feel good, no more being lazy
  3. Read my scriptures every day- start my day off right, continue to gain an understanding and knowledge of the things I read
  4. Eat healthier- replace unhealthy with healthy, don't eat out as much, drink less pop, eat less candy
  5. Become a better cook- always try new recipes, plan ahead weekly meals, watch and learn from my mom more
  6. Read more books- help me to eliminate the time I would could be watching TV or on internet
  7. Improve temple attandance- prepare to enter in the temple, go to the temple at least 2 times a month
  8. Be postive- always smile, no more talking negative, don't talk bad about others, be happy
  9. Live in the moment-"If you live purely in the moment you will always be happy because there is nothing wrong in this split-second", don't take life so serious, relax!!!!
  10. Be organized- plan out my days, deep clean and dejunk often
  11. Be a better daughter, sister, wife and friend- always support them, call them up just to talk and to see how their day went
  12. Help others- forget myself and serve other, always look for ways I can step up to help

Catch Up

Time to play a little catch up since I have been MIA for a few weeks.

It's sad to see that holiday's come and go but I had a blast!!

Christmas eve we went out to lunch with Chet's family and Grandma Marie.
We spent the rest of the day/ night at my parents house.

We had our fondue dinner

We had a white elephant gift exchange

We all got a kick out of my mom's gift she got and how embarrassed she was.

Bryant showing off the elf outfit :)

We acted out the nativity

The rest of the night we spent playing games till way late at night.

Christmas morning we got up SUPER early and opened presents with my family
Chet and I went to church with his parents and came back to open presents with them.
Tammie made a big breakfast and then fell back asleep.
Later that night we had the Olsen Christmas party were we had dinner and did the gift exchange.
It was a lot of fun visiting with family.
Sadly I forgot my camera Christmas day and don't have any pictures of the day/night.

New Years Eve was pretty low key....
Chet's aunt and Grandma came up for the weekend.
Us girls all went shopping that afternoon and we got to sit and visit.
Chet was leaving early that next morning (2am) so we spent a lot of time packing his bags.
We spent the rest of the night with my family playing games, and eating lots of food.

New Years Day...
I spent all New Years up in Lewiston for Hudson's baby blessing.
I ate way to much food but it was all so dang good :)
It was fun to see a lot of family and I had a lot of fun playing with my buddy Shae.

So long 2011... I am so excited and can't wait to see what happens this coming year :)