Monday, October 31, 2011

Family Halloween Party!!

While Katie and Dan were up we had a family halloween party.
It was a lot of fun to get dressed up and celebrate halloween a little early. 
Once we all arrived to the party we took pictures of our sweet halloween costumes.

Chet and I dressed up as: Rodeo queen and rodeo clown (bull fighter)

My parents were: Indiana Jones and a BYU fan.

Jake and Alyse were: Werewolf and red riding hood

The boys dressed up as: boy riding a witch and a boxer

Katie and Dan were: Salesmen

Cam, Dale and Stella dressed up as: A mail women, dental assistant and a skunk

After pictures were taken we had a yummy dinner.
We had taco soup, veggie tray and cheese and crackers.
 My mom found this cute drink idea just place pop rocks in sprite.
It was a big hit and I had way to much food to eat.

I was in charge of bringing the treat.
I found these cute rice crispy treats that were shaped liked pumpkins.
Mine didn't look as good, but they were still fun to make. 

We played a couple of games which were a ton of fun and had some good laughs.
Alyse brought the game: Donut on the string.
My dad was the winner...good job dad!

We also played a game called Penny Hose:
 Here is how you play, You put 2 pennies in the ends of the legs of a pair of pantyhose.
Using only their hands, the player must inch their way down the legs to retrieve and pull them out.
Each arm must work independently and the player cannot use one hand to stretch or hold the hose for the other. I think us girls were the ones who mostly won the challenge between their partners.

I love how hard Chet is focusing on trying to win.

The last game we played was Bobbing for Worms:
All you do in this game is you put a bunch of gummy worms in a bowl.
Then cover the worms with whip cream.
Place your hands behind your back and you have to retrieve all the worms first and eat them.
Chet was the winner, it was definitely fun to watch everyone play.

Katie and Dan's visit

Katie and Dan got to come visit last week from New Hampshire for a week.
They spent the first part of thier visit with Dan's family and then spent the rest with us.
It was great to have the whole family back together again.
We did alot while they were here which was great.

  • We did some shopping around town.
  • They wanted to go to El Toro Viejo for some good mexican food.
  • We played lots of games with the family
  • My mom made a mock Thanksgiving dinner for Katie and Dan cause they wont be here for Thanksgiving. She went all out and had lots of yummy pies.
  •  Jake and Alyse remodeled some of the rooms in their house and wanted to show it off. They made yummy dinner, it was something Jake had a lot on his mission in Africa. It was pretty much like a burrito.

  • We got family pictures taken, I am excited to see how they turned out :)
  • We also had a family Halloween party (post about that later)
I asked katie to take a picture of me and Chet after we got home from family pictures.
She ended up doing a little picture session :) thanks tay.

It was a lot of fun spending time with family, thanks Katie and Dan for coming and visiting.

Let's play catch up!

I figure it's about time I update my blog after a month has gone by.
Okay it's been more then a month.
 I can't believe November will be here in just 2 days...
 I love this time of year!!!
Fall is by far the best season with the cooler weather and the pretty leaves.
 I haven't let fall go by without doing all the fun things you do around this time of year.

Here is an update to get you up to speed with my life:
- Derby
For the last derby of the season in Cache Valley,
Chet worked long and hard on his truck.
The day of the derby his truck wouldn't start.
It was a derby I won't forget in a long time.
A truck flipped, the ambulance and firemen had to come to get the guy out.
Then a few heats later it started to rain and the power went out.
*I'm still waiting for the picture of this derby so once I get them I will post them*

Big A sent this one to me one night while they were working way late
 We also went down the Halloween Havoc demolition derby in Ogden.
This derby is the best one to go down and watch.
There were a lot of cars and trucks which made for a lot more heats.
We went down with Big A and Kindra which was a lot of fun.
- Cole's homecoming
It was fun to hear Cole speak and he did a great job.
We went to Cole's house after for a breakfast buffet and had fun visiting with friends.
It was also fun to hang out with Kelsey who came up from Cali.

- Girls night
My mom, sister and I went to the General Relief Society Meeting.
 My mom's stake house had dinner and desserts before the meeting.
 I loved President Uchtdorf's message and is something us women never should forget.

-Conference weekend
It was a pretty low key weekend, we just stayed home.  
General Conference  was great to hear the inspired leaders of our Church speak to us. 
I loved conference and it was just what I needed.

-Berry selling
My brother- in- law's family owns Weeks Berries in Paradise.
Jake and Alyse sells berries in Fruit Heights, Murray and Montana.
I would go help every once in awhile to sell the yummy berries.

- Soccer games
Both my brothers are on competitive soccer teams.
Bryant plays for the Mt. Logan Earthquakes as a mid fielder/ forward.
Bryce plays for the Cache Valley Real as a mid fielder/forward.
Its been a lot of fun watching the boys play. 
They both did great this year!!

-Kelsey came up:
Kels flew to go to Nate and Isabelle's wedding.
She stayed here for a couple of days which was way fun.
We had a good time catching up, staying up late and playing games.
Sadly I didnt take any pictues while she was here.